Adult Counseling Program
Provides information on the dynamics of domestic violence and abusive relationships; identifies options, develops safety plans, and offers emotional support and guidance.
Advocacy Program
Provides information on the dynamics of domestic violence and abusive relationships; identifies options, develops safety plans, and offers emotional support and guidance.
Community Outreach
Speakers are available through the YWCA of the Niagara Frontier for education and awareness training to community organizations and general audiences.
Confidential Advocates
We provide confidential advocacy for rape and sexual assault victims. From the moment we receive your call on the crisis hotline, a trained advocate is notified and responds within minutes. This advocate will accompany a sexual assault victim to the emergency room for a forensic rape exam, assist them through the criminal investigation process, and be available for crisis counseling on an ongoing basis.
Educational Support Group
Age appropriate curriculum on domestic and dating violence, as well as anger management for grades 3-12, is available for middle school, high school, and university audiences.
KidStrong is a support group for children that have been exposed to family violence. The program works with children ages 4 to 12 years old. The group incorporates age appropriate instruction, therapeutic games, role-plays, worksheets, movement, art therapy, small group discussions regarding the weekly topic, feelings, self-esteem activities, safety planning, and a snack.
The goals of the KidStrong program are as follows:
- To help children learn new ways to cope with separation, violence and low self-esteem in an environment where they feel a sense of belonging.
- To assist children in building positive social behaviors.
- To aid children in gaining self-esteem through a support group that understands and values each child’s uniqueness.
- There are no fees to attend. Children may start the program at any time.
Date: Mondays
Location: Lockport, NY
Please call for location and information
Date: Thursdays
Location: North Tonawanda, NY
Please call for location and information
Lockport City Court Advocacy
Provides comprehensive assistance to domestic violence victims including counseling, court accompaniment, and referrals to outside agencies.
Rape and Sexual Assault
The YWCA of the Niagara Frontier offers a 24-hour crisis hotline staffed by trained professionals who provide an immediate response to rape and sexual assault victims.
To reach our crisis hotline, please call or text (716) 433-6716.
Safe Dwelling
Provides assistance in securing rights and obtaining services from other agencies.
Transitional Housing
Provides the second stage of housing after Crisis Housing with a supportive program.
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