With the combined inspirational, impacting, and vital histories of both YWCA of Niagara and YWCA of the Tonawandas, the YWCA of the Niagara Frontier encompasses a rich legacy of over 100 years of involvement in social justice and community engagement. Spanning over a century of interesting classes, invaluable programming, educational opportunities, and safe housing as well as a wonderful variety of events, the YWCA has always been and continues to be committed to reaching out with pertinent, timely, and life-changing programs that support its mission of empowering women, eliminating racism, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

We are so thankful to Nancy McGlen Ph.D., Jean Harmon, and Joelle Logue for the extensive time, incredible creativity, and comprehensive gathering of information and images they all put forth to craft the two literary treasures below. You have our deepest gratitude always.